Monday, April 19, 2393

2 Day Detox Diet

Incredible Conversions with simple detox diet plan that only needs to be done once a month to work. Affiliate Tools here ==

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Thursday, October 4, 2317

Bachelor Diet Method

Bachelor Diet Method is an easy, quick and cost effective three step method that allows you to only cook once a month, but eat healthy, home cooked meals for 30 days!

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Friday, August 19, 2011

7 Surprising Secrets of Successful Weight Loss

breakfast.jpg Ever wanted to know the techniques and tricks used by those who successfully lost weight, and kept it off?

Thanks to a scintillating survey conducted by popular weight loss site SparkPeople - we've now got some road-tested tips to give you the best chance at managing weight.

As part of an updated paperback version of the bestselling book The Spark, (new edition here), the authors at Sparkpeople undertook a comprehensive survey of over 2,000 members. Why do 50% of people report losing momentum within 2 weeks of starting a diet? And why do 18% fizz out within just 3 days?

The answer is the 'strong start'. These strong starters lost twice as much weight in the first two weeks, and were five times more likely to reach goals than the false starters.

Track Food and Calories
Both strong and false starters ranked "food tracking" as the one action that made the biggest difference in their programs. 82% of strong starters tracked food every day vs. 65% of false starters, and strong starters were twice as likely to track their calories.Don't put certain foods off limits
Strong starters were less likely to label foods "good" or "bad" and forsake certain foods, and were three times more likely to use portion control techniques that supported consumption of unhealthier foods in moderation.Spend LESS time exercising
On average, strong starters exercised for 30 minutes during the first two weeks; false starters for 60 minutes, suggesting that false starters burned themselves out.Focus on both diet and exercise
74 percent of false starters made both fitness and dietary changes from the outset, compared to 50 percent offalse starters.Engage more with others/have a support network
Strong starters were more than twice as likely to communicate with other members online.Weigh yourself weekly, not daily
Most strong starters weighed themselves weekly, while the majority of false starters did so daily.Focus first and foremost on developing healthy habits, not losing weight
Most strong starters viewed their #1 goal as "building a strong foundation of healthy habits." A majority of false starters made losing 3-4 pounds in their first two weeks their #1 goal, which backfired.Note that these methods worked for many people - but we are all individuals and is it important to find out what works for you.

A big thanks to Sparkpeople and the folks and DailySpark for allowing us to publish this.

View the original article here

Sunday, August 14, 2011

3 Ways to Avoid Overdoing it This Holiday Season


Can a single meal trigger a heart attack?

According to researchers, a huge meal similar to what many eat at Thanksgiving or Christmas, can actually set the stage for a heart attack, in those at risk for heart disease.

The study of 1,986 heart attack patients in 2000, suggested that an unusually large meal quadrupled the chance of having a heart attack within the next two hours.

Dr. Lopez-Jimenez said this,

Overeating should be considered as a heart attack trigger, much in the same way as extreme physical activities and severe anger episodes may cause an MI... People at risk for a heart attack should be careful not only about the total caloric intake they eat every day, but the size of individual meals as well.

So, if you tend to eat way to much at this time of year, here are 3 ways avoid overdoing it this holiday season:

1. Downsize Your Serveware
Most people will eat everything that is pilled onto their plates, regardless of whether it's more than they need to feel satisfied. So, eating from a salad plate is a good way to control this.

Studies have also shown that people eat as much as 56 percent more when they serve themselves from a one-gallon bowl, rather than a half-gallon one. So, if you plan to serve your Thanksgiving or Christmas dinner from large bowls in the centre of the table, try using smaller serving dishes, as a way to encourage everyone to eat a little less.

This idea works with glassware, too. Large gobblet-shaped glasses can hold up to one third of a bottle of wine. However, people fail to realize just how much alcohol they are consuming from these supersized glasses.

If you drink alcohol, limit your intake to just one small glass of wine. As for juices and soft drinks, they are simply empty calories -- you would be better sticking with water, and saving up the calories for something tastier later on.

2. Portion Control
As an extra way to check that your food portions aren't too big, here are some guidelines: fill half your dinner plate with non-starchy vegetables, then one quarter with starchy carbs, and one quarter with lean meat, or alternatives.

3. Indulge -- but just a little!
Personally, I enjoy dessert way too much to avoid it. If you are the same, pass on the drinks pre-dinner, the bread roll and butter with your entree, and also that extra scoop of potatoes at dinner. Then you can easily enjoy a small piece of cheesecake, guilt-free and without too much sacrifice.

If all else fails, and you end up eating enough to feed a tiny country, get back on the healthy eating handwagon right away, and then get some exercise. There's no point slacking off just because it's the holidays. When you do that, you set yourself up for a long slippery road back to where you were pre-vacation. It's not worth it!

So, what are your tips for surviving the holiday season without gaining those dreaded extra pounds?

Image source: falconreid

View the original article here

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Mall food courts are roaches crawling.


Compared to a greasy rest area is four star restaurant food court in the Mall, but that's not much to say. It turns out food dishes are just as disgusting.

A MSNBC survey showed many food court of hotspots are oozing with E. coli and mouse poop littered.

Investigators visited shopping malls in New York and Boston, Minnesota, and all kinds of health code violations and unsafe practices found.

Inspection reports indicate that since 2009 in Boston's Faneuil Hall, 43% of the food stalls had critical injuries, 68% of the Mall of America in Minnesota and 84% on the seaport Mall in New York.

Places like Megumi Japan in Faneuil Hall were cited for mouse droppings in his memory. So was the charcoal grill in the seaport Mall. Megumi had an unpleasant Roach problem.

Other violations include storing raw meat at improper temperatures, cooked food too far to keep the heat or fruit sliced not cold enough - both these infractions E. coli bacteria to grow can lead to food to keep.

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Listen, get what you pay. Sorry, but you not wedge Zagat rated restaurants in between foot locker and build-a-bear workshop. It is a crap food, put it, you go so you can buy more crap to keep.

More restaurants pizzeria in New Jersey should like my uncle. Its clean, the food is fresh and always pass inspection. Then again, you have a judge.

Image credit: SickKids Hellboy movie

View the original article here

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Sarah Palin to Destroy "Big Government" With Cookies


Sarah Palin, ex-beauty queen and avid caribou hunter, hates big government. So, the "hockey mom" is mounting a revolution... with cookies.

As First Lady Michelle Obama goes around advocating more fruits and vegetables in public schools, Sarah Palin is visiting schools to pass out cookies.

Michelle is fronting a plan by the United States Surgeon General to improve cafeteria food, push physical education, and to bring more supermarkets to low-income communities.

But Sarah Palin has other ideas. Earlier this month, "Mama Grizzly" stopped by a school in Pennsylvania with dozens of cookies, a gesture obviously in protest to Michelle Obama's campaign for better nutrition.

"Who should be making the decisions what you eat and school choice and everything else?" Palin asked the students. "Should it be government, or should it be the parents?"

This is so silly. If Sarah Palin wants to drop by a school and hand out cookies, that's cool. I hated school, so a free cookie would have brightened up my day. But to make it some sort of political statement is dumb.

Pressuring schools to improve food is not a "political battleground." It's a no-brainer. People should be happy government is finally addressing an issue it has a decent chance of fixing.

But listen, this whole idea of "let the parents decide" isn't working. American kids are fat and getting fatter. So, either our children are a bunch of cement heads, or we have lazy parents who are too busy voting for Dancing With the Stars to teach their kids good eating habits. I say the parents stink.

Now I'm not suggesting the federal government tell you what you can and cannot eat in your own home. That's an idiotic notion. But, if a public school says no to junk food, like cookies, then that's the rule, period.

Reforming school lunch is not an attack on civil liberties. It's about healthier kids. But if you think it's un-American for your child to eat lunch without cookies, then pack them some.

Image credit: Ohio River

View the original article here

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Weight Loss University - 30 Day Rapid Fat Loss Program

The Weight Loss University 30 Day Rapid Fat Loss Training Program is here just in time for the holidays! 30 Days of meal plans, training program, interval training program, core training program and much more. Email

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